04 February 2011

Day of Dislike: Disposing of the Children's Artwork

Artwork, schoolwork, church crafts, scouting...  the papers pile up quickly.  I've read many ideas over the years of how other parents handle it.  Some scan things into the computer and save digital copies.  Some take photographs of the artwork and then make a picture book for the child.  I remember Daniel's preschool teacher telling me she had saved every piece of paper her son had ever brought home from school.  (I'm waiting to catch her on Hoarders.) 

Sorry, I won't do any of that.  I don't have the patience to scan or photograph spelling tests and rainbows.  I do save some of it but most of it gets "lost" after a few weeks.  If the item has anything to do with a holiday, it goes in the plastic tub with that holiday's decorations.  That way, each year, I get to see it again.  Other things are just in my nightstand drawer for now.  I suppose I need a better system.

Sometimes there's a slight pang of guilt when I toss something.  I don't like getting rid of their creations but I just can't keep it all.


Dan DaMan said...

Are you sure this isn't a shameless plug for the In-Sink-Erator garbage disposal?

Great quality on this picture, by the way...did you borrow Susan's camera when you took it?

jdz said...

Very funny, just my point and shoot but it is a fun picture!