08 August 2010

Breaking the Mom Rules

I say "no" a lot.  Sometimes I say it as a question, "Are you kidding me?"  Sometimes I throw in a bit of sarcasm, "Yeah, sure."  I'm not sure who gets tired of hearing it sooner, me or the kids.  Either way, sometimes I just like to shock them by saying, "yes."  "Yes, go ahead.  Why not?  Let's break the Mom Rules and do it."  

This doesn't happen too often which makes it a real treat for the kids.  Cookies for breakfast?  Okay.  Cereal for dinner?  Okay.  You want to wear a green St. Patricks day shirt with your purple tutu to church in August?  Okay.  

The picture below is from one of my favorite break-the-rules moments.  My aunt had mailed a fabulous telescope to my son and the huge box was full of packing peanuts.  Of course, kids love these things.  Packing peanuts are the cousin to bubble wrap.  

Usually, if I suspect a package has peanuts, I won't even open it inside the house.  Something crazy came over me this particular day and I poured them out and let the kids run, jump, and roll in them.  It was probably a week before I stopped finding stray peanuts.  Just look at the joy on my daughter's face.  It was worth the mess.  I like breaking the Mom Rules.  Sometimes.


Dan DaMan said...

I seem to be on the opposite end of this spectrum - sometimes, I have to break the "dad rules" and say "no" where I would normally say "yes". Far too many examples of this to list here...yes, I'm a sucker.

jdz said...

You said it, not me.

ARose and Catherine said...

Too bad the kids have learned that when mom says "NO!"..dad may say "yes"