12 February 2011

Day of Dislike: Sleeping In

Nothing has as much potential to ruin my day as sleeping late.  It's not just the "I need to make the bed" mentality that gets me up in the morning.  I enjoy the early morning hours because it's the only time of the day when my house is quiet.  Perfectly quiet.  Even at night, when the kids are in bed, my husband is still up.  As much as I enjoy his company, he usually has a hockey game or news program on at night so the only time I'm really alone, in silence, is first thing in the morning.

My life has been constant noise for the last eleven years.  Someone is always crying, whining, or yelling.  HeyMom, HeyMom, HeyMom.  The television, the computer, the Wii, the handheld games, the battery operated toys... something is always interrupting my quiet.  Oh, and the sound effects!  My kids cannot sit down in a chair without making some kind of weird noises.  Great for their imaginations but not great for my mind.  But... not at 6 a.m.  The house is so still and my brain can actually put together clear thoughts.  

I try to escape the noise during the day wherever I can.  When the kids were babies and I had the luxury of watching TV, I would watch in mute and read the captions.  I don't listen to the radio in the car when I'm alone.  My computer is always on mute and the mouse is silent, no clicking noise.

 Many mornings I will wake up, look at the clock, and force myself to stay in bed at least until I know the coffee maker has done its job.  I try not to get up too early because I know I will regret it by 9 a.m. when the coffee starts to wear off, but beating the sun is always a goal.


Dan DaMan said...
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Dan DaMan said...

I like to sleep in and you should, too. Getting enough sleep is the BEST thing for your mind so resist the temptation to get up early for "quiet time" and stay in bed with me! Oh, and Ruby, too...okay, on second thought, get out of bed as quickly as you can and pamper yourself with silence.

ARose and Catherine said...

Are you still sleeping? Wake up and write a post.