The "bird watcher" costume was thrown together at the last minute the year we went to a party with a "no masks allowed" rule. I forget what other costume he had for that year but I wasn't about to buy another one just for a party. I don't think the other kids understood the outfit but he was a real hit with the adults.
By far, my favorite was the doctor/nurse/patient year. These were super easy and cheap. I found scrubs at Goodwill for each of the kids. Daniel was big enough to fit into a woman's small. Grace just needed a skirt so I made one from a white nurses top. For Ruby, I found patterned scrubs that reminded me of a hospital gown and sewed that just enough so it wouldn't fall off of her. I found a few accessories at the party store and a few we already had at the house. The costumes don't look like much but everyone they passed on the street loved them. Sadly, one person thought we'd put make-up on Ruby to make her look sickly. No, she was just that pale and happened to have a bruised eye.
This year they want to be bacon, eggs, and toast. I don't know how I'm going to pull that together.
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